123Guestbook.com will be shutting down on the 1st of July. Learn more

11:13am 01-04-2024
sand tower
yoo ! just wanted to say that your website is truly the coolest, it inspired me to create my own website, and therefore i will never be grateful enough to you

your website is so prolific and there are so many things that reading each pages makes me feel like i m always discovering something

anyway i hope you have so great holidays !! happy new year !
12:10am 05-21-2023
I love bats so of course I had to take the bat quiz! I wasn't expecting to know one of the songs for the song question since I swear that never happens! I love Tough To Be A Dreamer! I got little brown bat ^w^
12:36am 04-02-2023
lulu in cyberspace
wowowow, this is such a fun site!! I could get lost in here for hours, so I wanted to leave a message before i forget i'm very happy to know what sort of bat I am. i've always been curious.
10:08am 02-02-2023
I dozed off but dreamt about your web page
11:52am 01-26-2023
Dollz Revival
Tysm for your message in my guestbook, I'm sorry that I've not responded until now!! If you still want to join my quilt you will be assigned #4, let me know if you end up making a patch and I'll add it to my site!
11:49am 09-29-2022
Greetings from Creature Feature Neocities

I had really fun with your site, I found you secret cat page
7:49pm 09-09-2022
Alyce (Lazybones)
I love it here! There is so much to explore. Great work
6:48am 08-08-2022
The rescued ponies are so cute!
1:22am 08-06-2022
Cute website! Can't wait to see more updates from you. Keep up the good work. Come visit my site sometimes https://chaixtea.neocities.org/ Take Care
10:44pm 07-16-2022
Divergent Rays
Thanks so much for following me and I'm so happy you liked the iced tea button! I love your site, it's so full of awesome stuff.
5:33pm 07-12-2022
your site is SO cute and homey!! i feel so cozy here i can't wait to see what you do! thank you for adding my button, i'm adding yours as well!!!
5:10pm 05-14-2022